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268 Stillwater Ave, PO Box 422, Bangor, ME 04402-0422


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Recent News

Acadia Hospital Offers Free Open Mind Presentation February 24

Bangor, Me – Acadia Hospital is pleased to offer an Open Mind presentation Wednesday, February 24, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at Acadia Hospital, 268 Stillwater Avenue. The session will feature the premiere of a short educational video entitled, Celebrate Every Body, as well as a presentation of the 9 Truths about Eating Disorders

Eric-Kuntz,-MDAcadia Hospital Psychiatrist Appointed Distinguished Life Fellow

Bangor, Me—Eric W. Kuntz, M.D., LFAPA, Medical Director of Acadia Hospital’s Pediatric Outpatient Service, has been designated a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (LFAPA).


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